
The 46th Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation will be held in Mont Sainte Odile (Wednesday 9th -Saturday 12th October, 2024). The topic of this year’s meeting is “Cancer Signalling and Metabolism” and will include talks on cancer cell metabolism, cell death, immune responses in cancer and immunometabolism, mitochondrial metabolism, kinase signalling pathways and the tumour microenvironment.

Confirmed speakers include: Chiara Ambrogio (University of Torino), Alexis Barr (MRC Laboratory of Medical Sciences), Ivan Dikic (Goethe University Frankfurt), Emma Evergren (University of Belfast), Louise Fets (MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences), Eyal Gottlieb (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre), Mathias Heikenwälder (DKFZ, Tübingen), Max Mazzone (VIB-KU, Leuven), Ian Mills (University of Oxford), Cristina Munoz-Pinedo (IDIBELL, Barcelona), Ruth Palmer (University of Gothenburg), Guadalupe Sabio (CNIC, Madrid), Emmanuel Sarry (CRCT, Toulouse), Almut Schulze (DKFZ, Heidelberg), Chantal Thibert (INSERM 1209, University of Grenoble), Andreas Villunger (Medical University of Innsbruck), Stefanie Wculek (IRB, Barcelona), Sabine Werner (ETH, Zurich) and Thomas Weichhart (Medical University of Vienna).

In addition to the invited speakers, we encourage all participants, particularly researchers in the early stages of their careers, to submit an Abstract for a Poster presentation and for consideration as an oral communication.

Maximum attendees: 70 places are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

End of Early Bird rates : 

July 31st, 2024

End of Regular rates (There will be an additional charge of +100 EUR) :

July 31st, 2024

Deadline for Oral Communication & Poster submissions :

July 31st, 2024

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